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Shop Local

Reasons to

Shop Local

At KZZT, we encourage our listeners to shop with and support local merchants.  Shopping locally is a great idea.
  • Shopping Local Creates Jobs: The jobs created allow spending in the local economy and helps create more jobs.
  • Local independent shops invest more in our community: They support local Charities, schools and community events which financially impacts our community.
  • Local shops sell a wide range of great products at affordable prices and cater to the needs and wants of the community.
  • Shopping local saves you money!  Travel expenses and delivery costs for larger items make the overall cost of items more.
  • Shopping local retains our community: Without the support of shopping in the local community, restaurants and services are forced to close.
  • Shop Local retains our distinctiveness: Local businesses respond quicker to the needs of the customers and stock products to meet the changing population’s needs.
  • Shopping local helps reduce environmental impact: Local shops often stock more locally sourced goods saving long distance freighting.
  • Local shops can be easily reached especially for the elderly and young people and those without transportation.
  • Local shops value you more: These businesses survive by their reputation & repeat business which means you get a higher standard of service.
  • Shopping local saves services: Private and public sector services cluster around shops. As shops disappear, so do banks,restaurants & beauty salons.   

Visit our Green Pages (Business & Organizations Page) for GREAT ideas on where to shop!